Do it all with Slack

Manage leave balances, requests, and leave summaries on Slack's mobile and desktop apps.

Simple /pause Slack command

Use it to book time off, check leave balances, say you're away, and more.


Away From Keyboard

Use Pause to tell your team you're away for a few hours.


Leave-indicating emojis

Identify who's on leave through emojis: 🌴, 🏝 or 🤒.


Timely leave summaries

Get daily and weekly leave notifications in any channel.


Special day notifications

Get public holiday and birthday alerts in any channel.

Apply from anywhere

Book leave from work or apply for comp-off whenever you need to on mobile or on browser.


Team-wise leave conflicts

Check if teammates' holidays clash with yours as you apply.


Full, half or multi-day leave

Freely select your start and end dates or half-days.

Three-step application forms

Book leave from work through Slack or browser.


Personal leave records

Check your leave balance and history on Slack or browser.


Away From Keyboard

Use Slack to tell your team you're away for a few hours.

Approve requests instantly

Get notified about leave requests, spot leave conflicts and respond from mobile or browser.

Slack and email nofications

Respond to leave requests directly from your inbox.

Team-wise leave conflicts

See other teammates on leave before responding.

See other teammates on leave before responding.


Pending leave requests

Use Slack or the web app to go through and clear requests.


Multiple team approvers

Get leave requests sent to as many approvers as necessary.

Keep teams in the loop

Automatically decline meetings, update leave information on calendars, and more.

Google Calendar integrations

See your and your team's leave plans on Calendar.


Auto-decline meeting invites

Use Pause to decline Calendar invites on leave.


Calendar and timeline views

Add 'Favourite' teammates to see their future leave dates.


Timely leave summaries

Get daily and weekly leave notifications in any channel.

Customise leave policies

Set up custom PTO and FTO types and public holidays for teams anywhere in the world.

Fixed or flexible leave types

Set up multiple leave types and allowances.


Public holiday calendars

Add public holidays for any country and assign to teams.


Lock critical dates

Mark non-leave periods when all teams should be present.


Auto leave calculations

Get accurately calculated leave balances and data.


Data exports for payroll

Download individual and team leave records and balances.

Carry forward leave days

Enable or disable carry forwards based on your policy.


Custom approval settings

Set up leave types that don't need approval or admin alerts.

Organise your teams

Add people to the right teams, assign multiple approvers, and customise working days.

Structured teams and managers

Make teams, add people and assign approvers.

Multiple team approvers

Get leave requests sent to more than one approver.


Customised working days

Fix working days of the week for teams as necessary.


Multiple holiday calendars

Assign public holidays based on where teams are globally.

All this, right within budget!


Per user. per month.

All this, right within budget!


Per user. per month.

All this, right within budget!


Per user. per month.

Per user. Per month.